Accounting Assistant

Accounting Assistant

With an Accounting Assistant technical diploma, your career options are endless! 好好利用你的数字技能,开始一份有回报的会计文员的职业吧, payroll clerk, tax preparer or accounting assistant. Gateway的会计助理计划可帮助您建立维护各种行业准确财务记录所需的基本技能, 所以毕业后很容易继续你的教育或找到你喜欢的工作.

  • Create a flexible schedule with classes offered on the Elkhorn, Kenosha and Racine campuses as well as convenient online courses. 通过在拉辛或基诺沙的全日制学习,只需一年就能毕业.
  • Gain skills to excel as an accounting assistant. Hands-on courses led by expert instructors teach you to compute, 分类和维护准确的会计和财务信息.
  • Acquire extensive experience 有雇主看重的软件,比如QuickBooks、Excel和专业所得税软件.
  • Build your brand by gaining real-world experience through internships, earning certificates, 出国留学的机会或加入盖特威屡获殊荣的大学DECA俱乐部. Showcase your knowledge through digital badges on LinkedIn. 
  • Continue your education 用你的技术文凭学分获得副学士学位 Accounting from Gateway.
Program Credits



Elkhorn Campus, Kenosha Campus, Racine Campus, Online

Financial Aid Eligible


Estimated Program Cost

Tuition & Fees: $4,991
Books & Supplies: $2,171

Start Dates

Fall, Spring, Summer

Salary Outlook


Career Opportunities: Accounting Assistant, Accounting Clerk, Bookkeeper

Accounting Assistant Career Pathway

职业道路旨在帮助你实现你的教育目标,探索大学和职业选择. Pathways are made up of related certificates, diplomas and degrees that build on common skills and knowledge. 你可以从职业道路的任何一点开始,并根据你的目标定制你的道路. View the pathway for your area of interest.